Meditation is key. In order to live fully in the present moment we must find a silent, peaceful space to reflect and to simply be. Amidst the barrage of distractions that exist in our current lifestyles, the importance of nurturing a calm space within is often overlooked. This calm space can be found in the meditative experience. Meditation has changed my life. During a very difficult period after I suffered a great loss, being in a silent space, absent of thought and activity, saved me from what could have been a debilitating depression. I was blessed to find some wonderful books to guide me on this path.
The Infinite Way
On this journey to know joy, peace and harmony despite my coming face to face with the death of a loved one, I have also been Divinely led to wonderful guides and teachers. Lillian DeWaters' book, The Light of the Eternal is a splendid ode to the joys of living in conscious oneness with God. This particular quote resonates with me so deeply,
"In our real Being, we are a Reality which has never begun and which will never end."
I Love this very simple yet profound truth and every word that she writes has a similar clarity and vision. You can find her book at, a very lovely website with many downloadable audio books. The brilliant Eckhart Tolle
has opened up my understanding of God and the multitude of ways that I can bring the Divine presence into my daily life. Go Here to discover what I have gleaned from his and other great sage's wonderful teachings, and now offer to you in my new book, I AM: You Power This Life.
I have fallen into deep love with and reverence for the Psalms in the Bible. Psalm 23 and Psalm 19 have been such a constant revelation for me. I have discovered that these words are to be lived not just recited and the joys of reflecting on them have been manifold. Daily meditation has enabled me to stay centered as a mother and not react to my daughter, but to enjoy and love her. I have, through silent communion with God, released obstacles from my life, so that I live joyously, freely and without fear. My ability to attract positive circumstances into my life is greatly increased as I spend time in meditative reflection. And most significantly, I have come to know God as a real, felt and constant presence in my daily life. I certainly give thanks for this and am filled with gratitude. Please take some time today to be silent in a peaceful place and come into a state of oneness with the Divine. This practice will supersede all else in its ability to change and enrich your life. Of this, I am certain.
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