Sunday, May 15, 2011


Giving things away provides a wonderful opportunity to free your spirit and lighten your load. My daughter and I are embarking on another exciting travel journey and we, like nomads, intend to pair down to only what we can carry on our backs or at least fit into our little PT Cruiser.Thanks to, an organization that hosts local chapters all over the U.S., we can easily and effortlessly offer the gently used things we no longer need to others who are looking to recycle and not consume. Some of the stuff we've been able to happily give away are a ton of heels left over from my modeling days, toys from Christmas' past that my daughter never plays with anymore, clothes that looked better in the shop than when we tried them on at home and the list goes on. The accumulation of stuff can be like a disease, so burdened we become with all our purchases, that we are limited in mobility and dense in thought. Nothing beats the freedom of giving and this feeling alone is one of the most rewarding and priceless gifts there is. Needless to say, I love freecycle. It's an incredibly old fashioned way to connect with fellow human beings through the internet. Here is something I have and no longer need that you may be able to use, so I offer it to you.  How beautiful this is for our spirit, our human connection and our planet. The more man made stuff I shed, the more God-made stuff I notice. Like these new yellow roses blooming in our back yard. Aren't these glorious.

And we thought about picking them, but sometimes the whole point is to just enjoy them as is and in the moment, with no need to own them.

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